Channel: SNB by Nery Hdez|Fashion Blog
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nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

GRAY DAY- Buenos días chicas! ¿Qué tal el inicio de semana? Como vieron yo tuve un find muy intenso con salidas con amigos y mucho baile. Pero la vuelta a la rutina llega cada lunes, y necesitamos esos looks de oficina, formales y chics que tanto me hacen falta. Este es uno de ellos. Suelen ser con tonos muy neutros, en este caso negro, gris y blanco. He de decir que a la blazer le he cogido un poco de manía porque parece que llevo la bata arriba todo el día. El toque chic se lo aporta estos botines de LovelyWholeSale , súper cool, y el broche de pelo de Carolee, que como ya saben, el pelo está súper de moda. 

¿Qué les parece el resultado?

Un besazo enorme. 

GRAY DAY- Good morning, girls! How is going the week? As you could see, I had a outing with friends, enjoying, dancing and dancing. But the return to the routine comes every Monday, and we need those office looks, formal and chic, that I need so much. This is one of them. With neutral tones, in this case black, gray and white.The chic touch is given by these booties from LovelyWholeSale , really cool, and the hair brooch from Carolee, which as you know, hair is now super trendy.

Do you like this look?

nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

nery hdez, opticalh, dior so real, carolee, wear to work look, lovelywholesale

Pantalones/ Pants- Primark
Blusa/ Blouse- Lefties
Blazer- Zara
Botines/ Boots- Lovelywholesale ( Similar aquí/here)
Gafas / Sunglasses- Dior so real via óptica Herradores
Broche/ Brooch- Carolee ( Similar aquí/here

nery hdez , blogger de moda, bloguera de moda tenerife, fashion blogger spain, best of streetstyle

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