RUFFLED ADDICTION- Buenos días chicas! Qué tal el fin de semana? Yo me fui de karaoke y me lo pasé pipa, y me fui de guachinche con este look de lleno de volantes que me encanta. Estos pantalones con volante en el tobillo son un must de esta temporada. Volantes y volantes, en mangas y pantalones, ¿a quién no le encanta? Le añadí estos Miu Miu que me regalaron por el cumple, estas maravillosas gafas de sol de Chloé que conseguí en Opticalh, que me flipan y me parecieron ideales para el look. Chic y diferente.
¿Te gusta?
RUFFLED ADDICTION- Good morning, girls! How was your weekend? I went to karaoke and I really had a fun time, and I wore this outfit to go to a restaurant. These ankle ruffled pants are a must for this season. Ruffles and ruffles, in sleeves and pants, who doesn't love ruffles? I added these Miu Miu that my family gave me for my birthday, and these wonderful sunglasses of Chloé that I found in Opticalh, they are amazing, and I believed they seemed ideal for the look. Chic and different.
Do you like it?
Have a nice day!!
Pantalones/ Pants- Zara
Blusa/ Blouse - Bershka
Zapatos/ Shoes- MIU MIU
Reloj/ Watch - Michael Kors Access
Gafas de sol / Sunglasses- Chloé via Óptica Herradores ( Similar aquí/here)