Channel: SNB by Nery Hdez|Fashion Blog
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Ruffled Addiction

Blusa de volantes, rosa empolvado, nery hdez, gafas chloé, gafas chloé jennifer lopez, opticalh, miu miu,

RUFFLED ADDICTION- Buenos días chicas! Qué tal el fin de semana? Yo me fui de karaoke y me lo pasé pipa, y me fui de guachinche con este look de lleno de volantes que me encanta. Estos pantalones con volante en el tobillo son un must de esta temporada. Volantes y volantes, en mangas y pantalones, ¿a quién no le encanta? Le añadí estos Miu Miu que me regalaron por el cumple,  estas maravillosas gafas de sol de Chloé que conseguí en Opticalh, que me flipan y me parecieron ideales para el look. Chic y diferente.

¿Te gusta?


RUFFLED ADDICTION- Good morning, girls! How was your weekend? I went to karaoke and I really had a fun time, and I wore this outfit to go to a restaurant. These ankle ruffled pants are a must for this season. Ruffles and ruffles, in sleeves and pants, who doesn't love ruffles? I added these Miu Miu that my family gave me for my birthday, and these wonderful sunglasses of Chloé that I found in Opticalh, they are amazing, and I believed they seemed ideal for the look. Chic and different.

Do you like it?

Have a nice day!!

Blusa de volantes, rosa empolvado, nery hdez, gafas chloé, gafas chloé jennifer lopez, opticalh, miu miu,

Blusa de volantes, rosa empolvado, nery hdez, gafas chloé, gafas chloé jennifer lopez, opticalh, miu miu,

Blusa de volantes, rosa empolvado, nery hdez, gafas chloé, gafas chloé jennifer lopez, opticalh, miu miu,

Blusa de volantes, rosa empolvado, nery hdez, gafas chloé, gafas chloé jennifer lopez, opticalh, miu miu,

Blusa de volantes, rosa empolvado, nery hdez, gafas chloé, gafas chloé jennifer lopez, opticalh, miu miu,

Blusa de volantes, rosa empolvado, nery hdez, gafas chloé, gafas chloé jennifer lopez, opticalh, miu miu,

Blusa de volantes, rosa empolvado, nery hdez, gafas chloé, gafas chloé jennifer lopez, opticalh, miu miu,

Blusa de volantes, rosa empolvado, nery hdez, gafas chloé, gafas chloé jennifer lopez, opticalh, miu miu,

Blusa de volantes, rosa empolvado, nery hdez, gafas chloé, gafas chloé jennifer lopez, opticalh, miu miu,

Blusa de volantes, rosa empolvado, nery hdez, gafas chloé, gafas chloé jennifer lopez, opticalh, miu miu,

Pantalones/ Pants- Zara
Blusa/ Blouse - Bershka
Zapatos/ Shoes- MIU MIU
Reloj/ Watch - Michael Kors Access
Gafas de sol / Sunglasses- Chloé via Óptica Herradores ( Similar aquí/here)
nery hdez , blogger de moda, bloguera de moda tenerife, fashion blogger spain, best of streetstyle

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